Solid Materials NBS Smoke Density Tester / Test


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Solid Materials NBS Smoke Density Tester is mainly suitable for determining the specific optical density of smoke generated by plastic burning, and the maximum specific optical density is the test result. It’s design and development is in line with GB/T8323.2 test standard.

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Measurement range:-0-100%

Ambient temperature:-Room temperature 15-30℃

Dimension:-1822(L) x 860(W) x 1970(H) mm

Working voltage:-AC220V, 50Hz


Measurement accuracy:-± 3%

Smoke chamber size:-900(L) x 610(W) x 900(H) mm

Material:-SUS 304 Stainless Steel

Model Number:-D379

Test Material:-Plastics

Standard:-ASTM E622

Product Description

BS 6401 NBS Smoke Density Tester

ZY6166D-PC NBS is mainly suitable for determining plastic smoke density tester the specific optical density of and the maximum specific optical density is the test result. It is smoke generated by plastic burning, used to of plastic under specified evaluate the smoke performance conditions.


 Main technical parameters:-
Measurement range: 0-100%;
Measurement accuracy: ±3%.
Working voltage: AC220V, 50Hz.
Ambient temperature: room temperature 15-30℃.
Relative humidity: ≤ 80%.
Light transmission resolution: 0.0001%.
Gas source: propane gas, pressure is 170Kpa purity is at least 95%,.
A. Propane flow: 50 cm3/min.
B. Air flow rate: 500 cm3/min.
Test mode
Flameless mode: the test radiation and the test of is only subjected to thermal the pilot flame is not used;
Flame mode: A test in burner flame in addition to heat which the sample is subjected to radiation, with or without fire;
Smoke chamber size: 610(W) x 900(L) x 900(H) mm
Dimensions: 1822(L) x 860(W) x 1970(H) mm
Heating power: 2.6 KW; Total power: 3 KW.
Working environment: When the instrument is running, avoid direct sunlight and no forced airflow.


Frequently Asked Questions:-

How is smoke density measured?

Conceptually, exponential away and measuring how light loss-sensitive per of light of known intensity a given unit length the smoke density terms represents the of the smoke column.  Smoke density in air is measured, like fog and smog, by having a beam distance much light gets through.

What is the unit of smoke?

Carbon-based the of smoke per unit fuel accurate components fuel The ratio is a from representation can only come at the instant (0.5-second) . Smoke data is per unit fuel through proper acquire as particle density or as can be represented that the mass density engineering units.