Cell Ageing Oven

These are Cell Ageing ovens which are suitably designed to give precise temperature control and air exchange rate. We have 4 and 8 cell ageing ovens are the most widely used ovens in rubber & cable industry.


Specification Compliance:

  1. Model Number:-D216

It has the calculations air exchange rate are based on the volume of each cell

It has Ovens that are suitably designed to give precise temperature control

The required air exchange New and improved digital flow meters ensure very precise control

Full range of aging ovens for precision aging of rubbers and plastics under controlled

The ovens can be run continuously

Independently controlled by each cell temperature & air exchange rate can be the operator to different test requirements of material under test.

Offering long-term reliable results and consistency Our 4 and 8 cell aging ovens are the most widely used ovens in the rubber & cable industry.