ISO 5659 Plastic Smoke Density Measuring Instrument

Plastic Smoke Density Measuring Instrument Smoke Density Tester is suitable for measuring the specific optical density of the smoke produced during the combustion of plastics. It is in line with standard GB/T8323.2-2008 “Plastic Smoke Generation-Part 2: Test Method for Measuring Smoke Density by Single Chamber Method”.

ISO 5659 Plastic Smoke Density Measuring Instrument


Model Number:-D346

Ambient temperature:-Room temperature 40℃

Relative humidity:-less than 85%


Dimension:-1822(L) x 860(W) x 1970(H) mm

Standard:-ISO 5659

Test Material:-Plastics

Heating power:-2600 W

Total power:-3000 W

Relative humidity Less than 85%

Ambient temperature Room temperature 40℃

Material:-SUS 304 Stainless Steel

Smoke chamber size:-914(L) x 610(W) x 914(H) mm

Measurement accuracy          ±3%

Main Technical Specifications

Transmittance resolution       0.0001%

Measurement range   0 – 100%

Working voltage AC220V, 50Hz

Gas source Purity is at least 95%, propane and air mixed gas, the pressure is 170 Kpa Test mode


  1. Flameless mode: the thermal radiation and does not specimen is subjected to produce a flame.
  2. Flaming mode: the to the heat radiation and is also When the instrument is running specimen is subjected affected by the flame of the burner. Working environment, it should avoid direct light and no forced air flow.

Smoke chamber size   914(L) x 610(W) x 914(H) mm

External dimensions   1822(L) x 860(W) x 1970(H) mm

Heating power 2600 W, total power: 3000 W


Frequently Asked Questions:-

What is ISO 5659?

It specifies a method of the exposed surface of specimens of materials measuring smoke production from or composites. No basis is provided that can be generated by the materials upon exposure to heat and flame for predicting the density of smoke under other (actual) exposure conditions.

What is the Plastic Smoke Density test?

It is also known to be used for measuring the smoke-producing ASTM E1354 Cone Calorimeter,  characteristics of plastics under controlled conditions of combustion or decomposition. … Other as the Exit Sign Smoke Test, is intended smoke test apparatus, for example, E662 Smoke Density Chamber, etc

What is the difference between ASTM and ISO?

ASTM is a part of an ISO organization that has representation organizations. ISO is an international a national organization that from all countries including ASTM.

What do you mean by ISO?

International ISO is an independent, non-governmental, international Organization for Standardization organization that develops safety, and efficiency of products standards to ensure the quality, services, and systems.


D346 | ISO 5659 Plastic Smoke Density Measuring Instrument