ASTM E162 Radiant Panel Flame Spread Tester

Radiant Panel Flame Spread Tester is used to evaluate the surface combustion performance of materials by radiant heat energy source. It can also be used to evaluate the flame propagation performance of train interior panel, ceiling, sound insulation material, window, lintel, seat side panel, etc

ASTM E162 Radiant Panel Flame Spread Tester


Warranty:-1 year, 1 Year


Timer:-Resolution 0.01min, precision 1s/h

Measurement accuracy:-± 0.3 ℃

Model Number:-D327


Customized support:-OEM, ODM

Heat flux meter :(0-15) kW/m2


Standard:-ASTM E162

Accuracy of heat flux meter:-± 0.2kw/m2

Measurement range :- (480-530) ℃ blackbody temperature

Temperature:-Above 815 ℃

Main parameters:

1) Radiation part:

Radiant panel: it is an exposed dimension of 305mm x 457mm, and can withstand composed of porous refractory, with a high temperature above 815 ℃.

Air compressor: the pressure is 2.8-inch water column airflow generated is 3000l / min; the air

Air supply pipeline: pressure regulator and stop install air filter, valve to regulate the gas flow

Ignition system: high voltage electronic ignition

Specimen holder:

Sample holder: it is steel, and the observation mark made of heat-resistant chromium of 3-inch (76mm) the surface of the sample interval line is engraved on the holder.

Support frame for of two stainless steel crossbars, each with specimen support: the frame consists diameter of 0.5 ± 0.13 inch (12.7 ± 3.3 mm), so fixed in front of the radiation plate. The supports and supporting that the specimen can be direct members are made of metal. As the installation radiation plate is very important, the specified angle between the sample and the size of the frame is controlled within size marked in Fig. 1 of ASTM E162-08b, and the made in strict accordance with tolerance is 0.125 (3.2mm).

Test blowtorch: outer diameter ¢ 4.8mm, inner diameter ¢ 3.2mm, length 205mm. In order to prolong the, a porcelain tube bushing was installed in the service life of the test blowtorch part where the blowtorch. The inner diameter of the porcelain burst into the radiation source tube was 5.2mm and the outer diameter was 7.14mm. The blowtorch was installed horizontally and placed at an angle of 15 ° to 20 ° with the sample. The blowtorch can be moved horizontal plane of the out when not in use. The mixer in which acetylene and air blowtorch consists of a venture are premixed. The and the distance between the burner and the upper flame height of the burner is 76 mm, central surface of the sample is 12.7 mm.

Chimney: it is made of 0.040 inch (1.0 mm) and size refer to figure 1. The installation stainless steel plate, and its shape position of chimney, shall be designed in strict accordance sample and radiation plate with figure 1.

Thermocouple: eight thermocouples are on the chimney. The installation position equidistant and parallel installed is shown in Figure 1. K-type thermocouple with diameter of 3.2mm; temperature sensing wire of 0.5mm and maximum stainless steel sheathed measurement temperature of 1200 ° C; calibration of blowtorch is conducted through of rated unit heat output regular calibration on chimney, and the calibration of thermocouple temperature procedure is carried out according to A1.2.

Data acquisition system:

Collect and record curve and data of thermocouple and the acquisition frequency the real-time temperature on chimney from 38 °C to 538 °C, is once every 5 seconds.

Computer data acquisition system: the accuracy of temperature acquisition is 0.01%

All data shall be collected, 5 seconds for one hour recorded and saved once every continuously.

Induced draft hood: installed radiant panel is in operation on the dust. When the radiant smoke hood with a fan shall be panel is not working, the fan at a wind speed of 100 feet per the top of the chimney produces second When the fan can generate about 250 ft.

Radiation pyrometer:

High precision radiation pyrometer of Keller Company of Switzerland is adopted.

Measurement range: (480-530) ℃ blackbody temperature

Measurement accuracy: ± 0.3 ℃

Sensitivity: constant in the wavelength range of 1um to 9um.

The distance from the radiation plate to the radiation surface is about 1.5 mm.

The blackbody temperature range and procedure for calibration of the radiation pyrometer shall be in accordance with Appendix A1.

Timer: resolution 0.01min, precision 1s/h.

Frequently Asked Questions:-

What is ASTM E162 Radiant Panel Flame Spread Test?

The Radiant Panel the surface flammability determined and of building product and cellular plastics by using a gas-fired radiant heat panel. The test result is Flame Spread from the flame spread Apparatus measures an index that is heat evolution factors.

What is the ASTM test method?

ASTM test methods standards, and reliability. ASTM test methods refined products include: Petroleum and for petroleum accepted worldwide for quality are petroleum industry and Petrochemical Test Directory.


ASTM E162 | D327 Radiant Panel Flame Spread Tester