Upcoming future challenges for the cable manufacturing industry and it’s possible solutions. Leave a comment

In the last two decades, the dynamics of the market has become very volatile.Of course the technoligical advancement and customer oriented supplier base played a vital role. As a result, Now a days it has become almost impossible to keep track of the long term goals and vision in reality.

The frequent overtaking of smaller companies by the big giants, the bankruptcy of many new industries all lead up to limiting the approach to future.It also limits the “right of choice” of the customer.

To thrieve to its glory small and medium-sized cable and plastic manufacturing industries need a dynamic strategy with a long term risk assessment and its containment plan.Definitely the relevance of cable and plastic test equipment and cable cost optimization becomes very important.As they are required to ensure lower cost and speedy delivery.We shall surely cover this topic too.

This can be achieved with the 5W & 2H analysis. Let’s go through each of them

  1. Why  present does data and its results need to be analysed?
  2. When are the foreseeable challenges in the cable and plastic industry coming?
  3. Which are the risks
  4. Where are the solutions and strategies we are talking about?
  5. How often we should run product & process innovation to achieve the sustainability of the business?
  6. How      
    • to do cable cost optimization? (We are talking about real manufacturing cost reduction.)
    • cable and plastic test equipment plays a role in this regard?
    • to execute all the actionable in time within the available resources?
  7. What
    • does the data shows yet?
    • tools can be used for the projects?
    • is the outcome and closure?

With this series of our new blog, we will cover each of the above topics.  Also several industry leaders are surveyed, interviewed for adding up their valuable inputs.


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